all postcodes in CF23 / CARDIFF

find any address or company within the CF23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF23 8AH 16 0 51.531792 -3.148391
CF23 8AJ 2 2 51.530547 -3.139623
CF23 8AL 61 0 51.53092 -3.148369
CF23 8AS 13 0 51.533049 -3.145871
CF23 8AT 29 0 51.532881 -3.146487
CF23 8AU 1 1 51.538162 -3.140621
CF23 8AW 17 0 51.531399 -3.145397
CF23 8AX 28 0 51.531284 -3.147081
CF23 8AY 40 0 51.530854 -3.146003
CF23 8AZ 8 0 51.532019 -3.147287
CF23 8BB 1 1 51.539634 -3.136347
CF23 8BX 4 0 51.532295 -3.146674
CF23 8BY 20 0 51.532069 -3.145803
CF23 8BZ 17 0 51.532312 -3.144915
CF23 8EP 40 0 51.531442 -3.143769
CF23 8EQ 38 0 51.531023 -3.144292
CF23 8ET 31 0 51.532268 -3.142074
CF23 8FF 1 1 51.530467 -3.138694
CF23 8GL 1 1 51.539971 -3.137739
CF23 8GW 15 0 51.53577 -3.14617